Amazon/Edinburgh Research Workshop in NLP & Machine Learning

24-26 April 2017
24 April: Ground floor, Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh 25-26 April: Amazon Development Centre, 2-4 Waterloo Pl, Edinburgh EH1 3EG Organisers: Ben Allison (Amazon), Charles Sutton (Edinburgh)
Twitter: #amznedi2017

We are pleased to announce the Edinburgh event in Amazon's Academic Engagement Program in Machine Learning. This will be a three day event to bring together scientists working at Amazon and academic leaders in the field. Our goal is to foster stronger links between Amazon's scientists and the academic communities from which many of us came.

The event will run over three days with distinct themes. Day one will be a day of talks and posters from academics, with opportunity for faculty, students and post-docs to present their work and discuss important topics in machine learning research. Day two will be a day of talks and discussions from scientists at Amazon, where we'll give an overview of how machine learning drives the customer experience across a range of different areas and the unique challenges and opportunities we face operating at Amazon's scale. The final day will be hosted in collaboration with AWS: here, we'll focus on hands-on use of Amazon services to accelerate machine learning research, particularly in the areas of Deep Learning (on-demand GPU machines) and processing large datasets with Spark. You should leave with practical experience using these tools on an example problem and a sense of how on-demand cloud computing can simplify and expand your research.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Day 1 Amazon Talks and Engagement (Monday, Informatics Forum)
10:00Welcome (Ben/Charles/Cedric)
10:15Deep Siamese Networks for Approximate Duplicate Detection (Ben Allison, Amazon Development Centre Scotland) Abstract
11:30Bayesian Optimization with Tree Structured Dependencies (Cedric Archambeau, Amazon Development Centre Berlin) Abstract
13:30Real Time Bidding and Item Selection For Online Advertising (Sean Murphy, Amazon Development Centre Scotland) Abstract
14:15Machine Translation Challenges at Amazon (Felix Hieber, Amazon Development Centre Berlin) Abstract
15:30Forecasting with Deep Autoregressive Recurrent Networks (Jan Gasthaus, Amazon Development Centre Berlin) Abstract
16:15Q & A For Amazon Speakers
Day 2: Cloud Computing for Machine Learning (Tuesday, Amazon Dev Centre)
10:30AWS across Research & Education - Why use cloud?
11:30AWS Educate and Academy Programs
13:00First Practical, using Basic AWS Services
14:30Practical 2: Deep Learning on GPU instances
16:15Closing Remarks
Day 3 Academic Talks and Posters (Wednesday, Amazon Dev Centre)
10:00Welcome to Amazon Development Centre Scotland (Graeme Smith, Director, ADCS)
10:15Deep Learning for Multilingual Speech Technology (Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh) Abstract
11:30What's this Movie About? Automatic Content Analysis and Summarization (Mirella Lapata, University of Edinburgh) Abstract
12:15Poster Spotlights
13:30Neural Machine Translation at Edinburgh (Alexandra Birch, University of Edinburgh) Abstract
14:15Statistical Analysis of Computer Program Text: Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Meets Software Engineering (Charles Sutton, University of Edinburgh) Abstract
15:30What Can We Learn from Big Social Data? (Walid Magdy, University of Edinburgh) Abstract
16:15Discussion: Opportunities for Collaboration
16:45-18:00Poster Session + Drinks/Networking



If you wish to attend then please register at the eventbrite site. Registration is free.